๐Ÿค–Bot Status

Customize the status of your bot

Each bot can have a status displayed under its name. You get this feature with the custom tier. Below is an example.

Manage Statuses

You can change or customize it by using the ๐Ÿค– Bot Status option.

Once you have clicked on the option, you will get the following menu where you can manage your statuses. You can add multiple satuses for your bot.

Add Status

To add a status, click the ๐Ÿค– Add Status button. This will open a form where you need to fill in the text that will be displayed in the status of the bot.

Once you click Submit, you will see a menu where you can choose what status you want. You can choose from 3 options.

  • Playing

  • Listening

  • Watching

If you have multiple statuses, the bot switches between all of them every 5 minutes

Remove Status

To remove a status, click on the ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Remove Status button in the menu. Now choose the status you want to remove by clicking on the status in the menu.

Last updated