The Wick Bot is a great tool for Discord security and is notorious for “wrongfully” kicking verified members/bots from servers if whitelist roles are not properly configured. Here is how you can set the Wick Bot to work together with Drip Rewards:

This is not a tutorial for the entire setup of the Wick Bot. If you have not properly set up certain components, the whitelist may not work. Please refer to Wick Bot documentation/support for initial setup and any ongoing issues.

Types of Whitelist

The Wick Bot has 4 different types of whitelists, each allowing different members/roles to do different things without risk of consequence. It is your choice to whitelist Drip Rewards for the various categories that fit your needs best.

  • Spam Whitelist: Allows members/roles to send multiple messages at a time and walls of text

  • Mentions Whitelist: Allows members/roles to repeatedly mention other members and roles

  • Invite Links Whitelist: Allows members/roles to post invite links to other Discord servers

  • @Everyone Whitelist: Allows members/roles to mention @everyone and other public roles

The process for whitelisting a member/role with the Wick Bot is the same for all 4 types. For this example, we will be showing you how to give Drip Reward the Mentions Whitelist.

How to Whitelist Drip Rewards

If using Wick Premium, you must ensure Anti-Nuke Protection is disabled before installing or setting up Drip Rewards

Navigate to your server’s Wick Dashboard and click on Whitelist in the Auto Mod category. Ensure Auto Mod is properly set up beforehand.

Click on Whitelist in the Auto Mod category

Click on the Mention tab to modify whitelist permissions

Click on Mentions to modify whitelist permissions

Click on the dropdown menu under Roles and select the Drip role to whitelist Drip Rewards

Choose the role you have assigned to Drip Rewards

The role will now show up as whitelisted

Be sure to save your changes!

Drip Rewards should now be able to mention members without consequence from the Wick Bot. The process is the same for the other 3 categories.