Browse NFTs

Go to your Dashboard and click the πŸ”Ž Browse NFTs button.

Pair NFT Button

Choose an activated collection you want to browse.

Active Collections Select

Once you make a selection, all owned NFTs in that collection are displayed from your connected wallets. When the collection type is a πŸ”₯ ``Generator, it will also display the points balance the NFT currently holds.

List NFTs Collection

If you click on an NFT, you will get a display similar to the one below depending on the type of NFT effect:

  • Link to Preferred Marketplace

  • ID + Name of the NFT

  • Image of the NFT

  • Current points balance

  • Number of daily points it is generating (yield)

  • Paired NFTs

  • Button to claim the points of this individual NFT

NFT Overview Generator

NFT Overview Multiplier

Keywords: browse NFTs, connected wallet, no effect, generator, multiplier